Discussions Intro

INTRO-Tiffany Russo

One word that describes what I’m feeling about this course would be determined. Last semester I honestly wasn’t motivated at all with everything that was going on. For this semester I decided to set goals for myself to better my future by putting effort into what I want to achieve. I’m determined to learn new skills and gain more knowledge through this English course and apply this to my everyday life. This is one step closer to helping me achieve my goals in graduating and getting into a career that I will enjoy. I love writing and expressing my thoughts but one thing I’m concerned about is my time management. I am a full time student and I also work from home. Throughout the week I help my sister at the same time that I have classes because she is still little so it’s pretty tough to juggle both. Being an online student is a little easier for me because I’m able to be a lot more flexible without having to have the struggle of leaving my home to make my way to school, work or taking my sibling to school everyday.

This picture means a lot to me because this is one of the goals that I have set for myself. This Audi R8 is my dream car, and I’m willing to stay extremely focused and have a great career to save up and be able to afford this dream car of mine!

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