Weekly Assignments

Genre- Tiffany Russo

A genre that I interact most with is YouTube Videos. I’m actually a content creator. I create entertaining videos with my boyfriend on YouTube for people to watch. In my opinion this relates to class when we are reading different genres because before we start to create content we have to think about what kind of audience will be watching our content based off of what our video is about. We have to think about being energized and try our best to keep our audience entertained throughout the video. We mainly do this for fun but we want people interested as well. We are constantly dealing with likes, comments subscribers and views which all deals with statistics which connects to logos.

People definitely are judging us and analyzing us based on how they see us through camera. It happens all the time, sometimes we receive positive comments and sometimes we receive negative comments. We take those comments into consideration and reflect on it to see what needs to be changed or what can be done to make it better. This connects to writing a rhetorical analysis because as we read other peoples work we are judging the writer based on what they wrote or the tone in their writing. We are constantly asking ourselves questions as we read. Or even in our own writing we have to incorporate facts and evidence to back up what is being stated. We often try our best to keep our audience interested in our topic by trying to interact with them or use pathos and humor to grab the reader’s attention.

The type of genre that Amy Tan uses in her “Mother Tongue” essay is coming to a realization that her English was imperfect. She goes on and explains how her and her mother would have conversations and her mother didn’t speak “proper” English as well which made her believe that people will probably judge them based on the way they speak.

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