Weekly Assignments


The type of genre I have been interacting with a lot is Youtube vlogs. Vlogs are created to educate, entertain, or share opinions with the public. One of my favorite vlogger from Youtube is Jason Billam Travel. He’s from the UK and travels all over the world. He shows his viewers the different culture and food all around the world. He provides travel guides, tips, and shares his opinions on whether or not it’s safe to travel in certain places.  There are plenty of other vloggers that travel all around the world, but they mostly show the tourist attractions. Jason Billam Travel shows the raw experience in different countries. He visits the local areas. I watch his videos because some day I want to travel around the world and learn about different cultures. I want to experience new cultures, new food, and language. Watching his vlogs has taught me to be open minded and understand why certain people do certain things. He has inspired me to travel the world myself someday. Another one of my favorite Youtube Vlogger is Doctor Mike. He makes medicine understandable. He also gives tips on how to eat healthy and stay fit.

I have been interacting with Youtube vlogs because vlogs expose viewers to new things that we can achieve. When we see someone is doing something, we think, we can also do what they’re doing. I plan to start making Vlogs as well once I begin to travel. It’s one of my goals. 

The type of genre of Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” is an essay. She writes specifically about her English. In the essay, she write about the difficulty of being raised by her mother who spoke limited English and how others couldn’t understand her broken English. Amy Tan essay changes to a personal reflection about how she succeeded.




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