Unit 3 Weekly Assignments Weekly Writing


In my Unit #2 assignment I decided to write about technology. I believe technology is a big problem in our world today being that there is so much of it and it continues to advance. If we think about it we use it everyday for many purposes, but it’s a good resource. Even I use it on a daily for school or to even look up a match on ESPN. People will ask but why talk about Technology ? if there is many things to talk about. Many of us don’t realize how addictive we’re are to this cellular devices. What I will give my audience are images of actual information on how effective it can be this will beneficial because it gives you a visual information on my topic, people will get bored of me just explaining so it will keep them entertained. I will talk about my experience during this pandemic we all learned something new or caught habits either bad or good, this will help my readers engage with my writing giving them a better understanding of it as well as many possibly relating to it.

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