Uncategorized Weekly Assignments

Genre – Alkid Lala

My favorite genre that I interact with most often is the National Geographic channel. It is broadcasted throughout social media and television. You can find it on Youtube, Netflix, Hulu and TV. Their mission is to teach us about our impact in this world and our planet earth. My favorite genre is the Planet earth. Planet earth is a TV documentary that allows us to see the world beyond our daily view. A world where most of us don’t interact with on daily basis. Such as our ecosystem and wild animals that live far in the North Pole, Antarctica, the Amazon, the Sahara Desert, and the ocean. There are multiple genres in the national geography such as science, world culture and history. The language used here is especially important because everything is science backed and the broadcasters break down scientific terms into simple English so that we can all understand, simply put, making it exciting for us to watch and learn a thing or two. Wild animals play a significant role in our environment. They help us maintain the balance of nature and food chain. I picked this genre because I’ve become more aware of how my behavior impacts the environment around me. Our everyday actions and decisions are negatively impacting the environment, causing pollution, deforestation, and overfishing, all for our own greed. Additionally, the reason I wanted to pick this genre is to shed light on other viewers on what our biggest challenge today is, global warming. It is the ultimate threat on us and all other living things on earth. Our best fight for regular people against global warming is to Re-use, Reduce and Recycle.


The genre that is used in Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue.” Is language. In this short essay, she describes her struggle with her English and her mom’s English and how she often catches herself imitating how her mom speaks. She also noticed how people with limited English are often not taken serious compared to people who speak formal English.

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