Discussions Weekly Assignments

Genre-Rashawn Lemon

Movies are the genre I interact with the most, more specifically horror movies. The thing about horror is that it doesn’t have to be expressed in the same way each time. It can be a completely different formula. Some horror movies rely on a slow build up and getting to build a relationship between the audience and the characters who will inevitably die , doing this strategy might make the movie  long but it it’ll make the audience feel more connected to characters which can cause an emotional reaction once someone dies. An example of this is the horror movie “Scream”. They focus on a girl named Sidney and introduce all her friends and family and instead of killing them off right away they establish a bond between the characters by having them hang out and party and talk about Sidney’s past. By doing this strategy the audience feels mixed emotions when they find out that the (spoiler alert) killers were revealed to be Sidney’s boyfriend and his best friend. There are also horror movies which don’t focus on the characters personalities at all but instead focus on how the villain takes out (kills) the characters. Doing this type of horror strategy appeals to the type of audience that isn’t interested in character development, Instead this strategy aims to make the villain look scary and powerful and bombard the audience with lots of gore and action. An example of this is the Friday the 13th movie franchise. They give a bland background on the characters (the camping counselors) and instead focus on why Jason wants to kill them and how he kills them in creative ways. One more thing about horror movies that I like is that even though they’re using  two completely different strategies , they might use the same technique. A lot of horror movies rely on the technique of jump scares to scare the audience.  Horror movies are the genre that they are because they try their best to invoke feelings in the audience , mostly fear and shock.  The genre that Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” is a literature essay.

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