
“Shitty First Drafts” – Tiffany Russo

After reading “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamontt I realized that we are similar when it comes to writing. She believes that great writing starts with terrible first ideas. I definitely agree with Lamontt. I’m not great at starting my writing but after a while I get used to it and many ideas begin to pop up and it comes out great. Her writing process starts off as expressing what she notices and hears, she doesn’t mind that it doesn’t sound great, all that matters is that she has something that is being written for a start. She then crosses out her writing if she doesn’t like it and rewrites. Although she knows it’s a first draft she doesn’t care what’s being written. Lamontt adds details and goes over her writing to see what she needs in order to start her second draft. We are very similar, I say this because as I’m thinking about what to write sometimes I feel as if my brain stops working. I try my best to come up with something perfect to start off but it never works out, I stopped caring about trying to make my writing perfect. I started to write all of my ideas on paper even if it didn’t sound right and fixed it later on once I got the hang of the topic and what needed to be written. I have times where I need to cross out sentences I don’t like and I create it into something better. Writing in the beginning isn’t usually my strong suite but once I get focused and have all of my ideas written it turns out great in the end.

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