
Shitty First Drafts – Kymmone Delgado

From the excerpt “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott, numerous references were made regarding the three steps taken to create a piece of writing. The first step entails the conceptualization process where the writer talks about how she allows all her thoughts, ideas, and visions to roam freely. By doing this, allowing the childlike part of her to come to life then pouring it all out on the surface of the pages, knowing that she will be able to perfect it later before anyone sees it.

The second draft has to do with the writer reviewing and reshaping the piece of writing, making it more coherent and saying exactly what needs to be said more accurately.

The third draft is the final step in the writing process and the writer refers to this draft as the “Dental draft”, comparing it to the final finishing of a dentist work. This basically means fine-tuning every detail, making sure that everything is grammatically correct and perfect.

My views have not changed after reading the excerpt since I’ve been using the same strategy when writing my own piece. I was just taken aback because I had no idea that professional writers went through that process.


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