Discussions Unit 2 Weekly Assignments

Liking is for Cowards. Go for what Hurts.”

The whole concept of like vs love about technology was a bit odd but Yes I agree with Jonathan Franzen main idea concept of like vs love as to me liking could be simply alternative of I like it but it’s not that nice or I like it but not enough to buy but loving there no but you don’t try to find something wrong that restricts you from getting ,buying or simply proceeding with it, also love it’s more about getting attached, there it’s something that made you love it compare to like which is more of a common thing to me has less meaning and I guess Jonathan was kinda implying the same thing but with technology in his own way

My relationship with my phone does concern me sometimes when I really think about it as I would definitely say I can’t be without my phone, what else would I do especially in this generation now everything revolves around this one technology I think it’s near impossible to not get attached to it. but  I love my phone and mainly I’m attached to the things it have inside like pictures memories, and the things it can do ,it would take me a bit of process to switch phones as I’m not the type person to often switch phones unless I see the benefit of it as in if the latest phone have something beneficial enough for me to change phones. Technology has been the main resource for everything from jobs to school to basic social life  revolves around technology specially smartphones and it definitely has caused a big changes in both good and bad way as a young adult I do think it’s important to do sometimes take time off the screens but with this current pandemic that has not been possible as it only increased my use of technology.

Weekly Assignments

Weekly assignment-Karen

To love something means to be willing to surrender parts of yourself, to feel empathy and identity with this person misery and triumph. But liking something doesn’t allow you to expose yourself, and only reveals the likable surface that you have created. I agree with how Franzen describes, liking something. Although liking something is still somewhat a sincere emotion of fondness; it doesn’t allow a person to confront, reject, nor accept themselves. Love something forces us to choose between running away or having the confidence to embrace it. My relationship with my smartphone or technology is more of a like, rather than a love relationship. To be honest technology and its platforms help feed my narcissistic tendencies. Through the use of technology, apps, and platforms I am able to be the main character. Franzen claims that “our lives look a lot more interesting when they’re filtered,” which is not wrong. Rather than putting myself in a real relation with real people I have become used to this “mirror” relationship with technology. Not having to force myself to become a likable person simply makes life less difficult. Just like Franzen states, “We don’t have to have contempt for its manipulability in the way we might with actual people.” The relationship I have with my smartphones and its apps is something that does not usually concern me. Trying to be perfectly likable isn’t necessarily a health mindset that should be forced upon people. Although my statement might be the opposite of what social platforms and technology actually does; for me it’s an escape from reality. Or even the idea of loving something. A way to shield myself from uncomfortable situations.

Unit 2 Weekly Assignments

“Liking is for Cowards Go for what Hurts”

In the Article by Jonathan Franzen he explains his opinion on the difference between being liked and being loved. He mentions most people fake their personality, or in his words “manipulate” people into liking themselves. I think he nails it when he says this, most people nowadays, especially Generation Z would do anything to be “liked” I see it everywhere, and its sad that we live in a world that to be “cool” you need hundreds of likes on Instagram, or show up to school with a Gucci belt or a Louis Vuitton bag. Which I don’t think is wrong, but is it necessary? And are you wearing it for yourself, or to impress others? Most people spend so much money on things to impress people that they don’t even like, just to keep up with this fake persona and remain “liked.” Franzen then goes on to mention that once this façade is over you’ll see yourself being someone your not which I agree with completely.

I believe that my relationship with my smartphone is not concerning, because I was never into social media. In fact I delete my Instagram and snapchat from time to time for about a week and live my life without it, and I honestly find my self happier. Most of my friends and family make fun of me and say I am the least tech savvy Gen Z kid they know.  I think its sad people spend most their time on social media, and wasting the day, when they can be doing something productive, or even having fun and living their life. But if you look at the bigger picture I think we are all becoming zombies to these big corporations such as Instagram and Facebook, and I think this nation as a whole needs a break from social media, so everyone can diminish these fake personality’s, and be themselves.