Homework Due This Class

  • Bird logo assignment.
  • Character Assignment.


Creating and Aligning Shapes

Today, we will continue our exploration of the shape tools Illustrator has to offer.

Some of these we have already covered
  • Artwork Basics
    • Paths and Appearance
    • Selection and Direct Selection Tools
    • Drawing basic shapes
    • Drawing with Line Tool
    • Stacking order and Isolation Mode
    • Grouping and Ungrouping items
  • Working with Fills and Strokes
    • solid, gradient and pattern fills
    • strokes – endpoints, dashed lines, and variable-width strokes
  • Drawing Basic Shapes
    • squares, circles, polygons, and stars
    • line tools
    • selection tools – selection and direct election
    • hiding/locking objects
  • Color
    • The Swatch Panel
    • global swatches
    • spot colors and tints
    • color groups
  • Transforming Shapes
    • Editing paths and shapes
    • Combining shapes
    • Using the width tool
  • Rotate and Skew
  • Aligning Objects
    • To each other
    • To a Key Object
    • Distributing Objects
    • To Artboard and Selection

A few things to know:

  • Shapes are created with paths that are connected with anchor points.
  • A shape = closed path because the ends of the path are connected)
  • A line = open path. An open path has endpoints at each end.
  • Both open and closed paths can be filled with color, gradients or patterns.
  • All of the shape tools, except for the Star tool and Flare tool, create Live Shapes. Live Shapes have attributes such as width, height, rotation, and corner radius that are editable without switching from the drawing tool you are using.


Class Assignment

Art Folder


Each week we will review homework assignments from the previous class. Students will participate reviewing material and offering suggestions for improvement for their cohort. This week we will discuss the the logos/icons. Students will be asked to explain their ideas and techniques and get help or suggestions for things that were challenges. Workflow will be discussed.


  • swatches (global and regular)
  • ellipse
  • square
  • rectangular
  • polygon
  • stars
  • stroke positions


How to Align and Distribute Objects

How to use the Appearance Panel