Journal # 3
The culture of the workplace is relaxed? I don’t know what to say cause it’s a small workplace.A small group of people working,it’s quiet at times if nobody is on the phone. And most times i’m zoned into what i’m doing i don’t realise what’s happening around me. The attire i guess it casual,my supervisors dressed professional, i walk in with sneakers and jeans. But i don’t know if i can walk in with whatever, because i have a sweater(one of my favorites) which say “Eat Shit” on the font and the back. I have couple shirts like that i haven’t wore it except, this one time i wore a shirt like that to an internship before no one say anything and that environment was more formal because they was doing something that involves education. I mention before that the company is kinda new so the first day i worked at the office which was small but i seen start ups that had smaller spaces. We are currently moving to a new office, one of the supervisors said it might be in the same area but it will be a bigger space.