Category Archives: LiveWell- Stress

LiveWell 1st post

So far my experience with LiveWell has been okay. While completing my first session I learned a lot about myself in terms of health. After finishing the first assessment I found that in exercise I’m in preparation stage, in healthy eating I’m in precontemplation stage, and for stress management I’m in maintenance stage which I thing is great. For exercise I will try my best to improve by taking some time out to make sure I do some cardio at least three times a week. Since I don’t have time to go to the gym I bought myself a resistance band to help me with the workout and I think its great way to begin with. For healthy eating I think this will be hard for me to change since I’m used to the diet that I currently have and while working and taking classes I eat whatever that’s available. LiveWell recommended that I eat 4 cups of fruits and vegetables per day, I thing I can do about 1 and half cup maybe. In LiveWell I like the resources that are available and I actually found the section where students in the video talk about their story of how they were inspired to be healthier because they saw someone else being unhealthy and I’m looking forward to see how effective LiveWell  will be for me.

LiveWell 1st Session

I would say my 1st session went well. For exercise, I am in the precontemplation phase which I knew already. I always have the urge to go to the gym or to run outside but I never do. For healthy eating, I am in the contemplation phase. I am slowly but surely trying to eat healthier by cutting out sugar from my diet as much as possible and eating less processed foods, especially processed meats which contain a lot of nitrates that can affect my asthma. I try to consume dairy products but I believe that there are other ways to get calcium and vitamin D without drinking milk or eating yogurt, cheese, etc. I believe that we shouldn’t be consuming milk past our infant-toddler ages but that’s just me. For stress management, I am in the action phase. I’m always stressed so I’m always looking for ways to relieve that whether it be taking walks or just sleeping. Overall, I think LiveWell can help in the long-run and give me that push to better myself.

Live Well 1st Full Session

I enjoyed going through the first session. According to the session, I’m in the ‘contemplation’ stage. I’ve always wanted to get back into shape and I miss playing sports. I will attempt to, within the next 6 months, slowly altering my diet by introducing more fruits and vegetables and reduce caffeine intake. Drinking the necessary amount of water needed each day is what I need to work on as well. In addition, waking up a little earlier so that I can exercise for 30 minutes before going on about my day. By going through this assignment, I figure it is better to slowly introduce more healthy decisions than to completely change my lifestyle. By being healthy, I can avoid frequent appointments with the doctor and have more energy to do things. I’d feel more confident, and my mental health would improve as well.