Brendan’s Explication Draft

Brendan Gonzalez
Poetry Explication Draft
Professor Scanlan


In life youā€™ll have decisions to make and pick between two options or roads picking the left side or the right. Once that decision is made down the road you might look back and really reflect on that decision you made way back and be super happy with that choice or youā€™ll regret that decision for the rest of your life but thatā€™ll be something you need to live with. In the poem ā€œThe Road Not Takenā€ by Robert Frost his poem reflects on decisions in life and paths that we take in life the two lines I decided to explicate are ā€œThough as for that the passing thereā€ and ā€œHad worn them really about the same,ā€. The first line ā€œ Though as for that the passing thereā€ one word that stands out the most to me is passing when he said passing some words that came to me were experiences and people. I explicated this line and the way I understand it is, throughout life people have passed this road experienced and walked the path heā€™s talking about. The second line I explicated was ā€œ Had worm them really about the sameā€ something this second line tells when he says ā€œHad worm themā€ I see that as clothing or a pair of sneakers that people have worn then ā€œ really about the sameā€ everybody put that clothing on and wear it the same no difference everybody copied the person before so really this road everybody has picked it and decided to walk it but everyone did it the same way and nobody was different and thatā€™s most likely something he didnā€™t want to be the same as everyone else so he probably decided on a different road. In life we will pass roads we decide to take and people will have experienced and hopefully we can wear it differently than those other people that passed them.

1 Comment

  1. Andy

    1ā€“Is the title of the poem and the full authorā€™s name provided in the first or second sentence? Be specific if something is missing.
    : The title and author of the poem are provided, but not in the first or second sentence.
    2ā€“Does the student provide the two lines he or she will explicate?
    : Yes, ā€œThough as for that the passing thereā€ and ā€œHad worn them really about the same,ā€.
    3ā€“What poetry terms does the student examine?
    : The student did not clearly indicate the poetry terms used, but there is evidence of connotation of the line provided.
    4ā€“Copy and paste your two favorite sentences from the students essay. Then explain why you like them. (example: not only is this an example of the college sentence, but this sentence also highlights an important poetry term (metaphor) in a very clear wayā€“I get it completely)
    : I really enjoyed this line; “In life, we will pass roads we decide to take and people will have experienced and hopefully, we can wear it differently than those other people that passed them.” and feel great empathy toward the idea that the road and shoe may be similar or same, but the experience that different people experience is considerably different.

    Explication Drafts

    5ā€“Copy and paste two sentences that are confusing. Then explain what is confusing about them. (example: you may have mixed up the terms alliteration and assonance, please check to make sure you have the right term for repeated vowel sounds)
    : ā€œ Had worm them really about the sameā€ something this second line tells when he says ā€œHad worm themā€ I see that as clothing or a pair of sneakers that people have worn then” there is confusion for the word “worm” and “worn”. maybe you can clarify it.
    6ā€“Make two concrete suggestions. (example: expand the range of connotations rather than name one connotation; example: instead of using the verb ā€œlikeā€ three time in the first paragraph, consider different varying the idea by using ā€œloveā€ or ā€œcan relate toā€; example: when you revise this, change the lower case ā€œiā€ to ā€œIā€ā€“Prof. Scanlan will definitely say something about that.)
    : Maybe the sentence would flow better if you can shorten them, and fix some of the spelling, and add some punctuations to separate and clarify sentences and ideas.
    : Please indicate the poetry terms used for explicating the selected lines for the poem.
    [ It was nice reading your explication, there were just a few issues that made the Explication confusing. Overall, I enjoyed reading your poem and feel deep empathy toward your idea of the same road, but different experience.]

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