Hi Class. Thanks for coming to our Zoom class today. Here are three updates:


Instead of doing the peer review in groups, I’ve decided to open things up and let each student decide who to review. The way this will work is that students should select the draft they want to review, but students cannot review a draft that already has two reviews. So, if students see a draft that has two reviews, thenĀ  please select a different one to review. This is a “first come, first served” approach. This process should work, even if there is an odd number of drafts.


2–Spell and Grammar Checks:

There is a built-in spell and grammar check on the OpenLab site that works when you type into the dialog/editing box. But it is not powerful. Sometimes the red underline appears, and sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve posted links to two free Spelling and Grammar Checks in the sidebar of our site (to the right). Please make sure to click the “Lookup” or “Check Text” box and not the “Deep Lookup” or “Premium Upgrade” box. The bottom line is: do not pay for these checkers.


3–Here are the four tips that I covered today:

1ā€”One connotation is not enough. Too few connotations shuts down the many meanings that the poem can provide. Remember, the emphasis on meanings (not meaning).

2ā€”Repetition of sounds such as alliteration, assonance, or consonance convey meanings and feelings. Go beyond simply noticing that a sound is repeated.

3ā€”Make sure to proofread your work:

–Read your essay out loud!

–Get a family member or friend to read it!

–Read backwards! Read the last sentence, then the second to last sentence, and so on!

–Use a grammar and spell check!

4ā€”This assignment is mainly to explore many meanings inside two lines of poetry by using the poetry terms we have discussed. So, donā€™t try to summarize and lock in the ā€œone true meaningā€ of the poem.




ps. Email any questions!