Marchella Prado – Challenges “Doing School” & “Doing Life”

My challenges in “doing school” right now is keeping up with all my classes. I don’t think I would considered it being lazy or procrastination because that was how I was before this whole virus crisis. You would think, school being online would be easier but it’s really not unless you’re a person who’s use to online education and have access to everything you need with no difficulties. We all have issues of our own that is challenging us with school as well as it was before all this happened. “Doing school” right now is impacting my life in a stressful matter just due to the fact this was so unexpected and just all the anxiety levels rising up with trying to get everything done with all my classes while maintaining my sanity with the world feeling like it’s coming to an end.

My challenges with “doing life” right now is the fact I’m not doing anything in life. Self-quarantining and social distancing by all means. Staying at home is something that could be peaceful at times but as we discussed earlier in class about home being something else to us like a person or place or anything other than the roof over our head as our home. I miss going out and being with my friends. My actual home wasn’t my only home. As you’ve seen, many posts on social media on how they’re going insane with being home and some people don’t understand how that could be. I feel like some don’t understand that people go and deal with certain things and being isolated at home for a long time can affect them in a little or big way. Whatever the case may be, staying home is what is best for us. I truly hope this ends soon. Hopefully everyone stays safe and healthy.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Sean Scanlan

    Hi Marchella,
    Thanks for you reflections. They are really insightful. I too have increased anxiety and, wow, it is really different going from in-person teaching to 100% online teaching. Big wake-up call for me.

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