MAT1575 Calculus II Spring 2020

Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

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Introduction .. Inderpreet Singh

Hi my name is Inderpreet Singh, originally I am from Punjab in India. I am perusing associates degree in computer Science in our College The New York City College Of Technology and it’s my Third semester in this school and so far so good. My hobbies are to do photography, photo editing, traveling mostly to the hilly areas and I am a foodie I love any type of vegan food but it needs to be spicy, one of my favorite dish from India is Chilly Panner.  Last but not least is my dream and my dream is to be a software Developer after I achieve my goals and for now the goal is to get this associate degree and then the main goal is get masters in computer science.

Mamadou Diallo

Hi I am Mamadou Diallo. My major is Telecommunications engineering . I became interested in Telecommunications because I like technology . This is my last Math class. After I get my bachelor from citytech I want to go in University to continue my study in master . My hobby is soccer that’s my favorite sports . I overcome something that was  a little difficult for me when I took my first English class because I come from a non speaking English country . I like to read a non fiction book . My favorite animal is Camel .

Introducing Maftuna Israilova

Hello, My name is Maftuna Israilova and I am in Applied Chemistry major. I want to be a medical doctor in future. I am taking this course because its requirement for my major. Im getting interested in my major because I love science. My favorite hobbies are playing tennis and listening to music.

Introducing Taraeah Hill

My name is Taraeah Hill and my major is applied chemistry, I became interested in my major because science was always interesting to me and I always did well so I said why not. Once I finish with MAT 1575 that will conclude all the math classes I will have to take and after I graduate from City Tech I will go to Dental school. Some of my other hobbies are baking and cooking, a lot of my baked goods are sold from time to time. I enjoy skateboarding especially when it gets warmer thats a perfect time to skate and one thing I’m proud of is sticking with things even if times got hard. A time I overcame something was transferring from my SUNY to here a lot of things are EXTREMELY different since coming here but I guess I’m making the best of it. One of my favorite books are  Black Smoke and my favorite animals are tigers, sharks, wolves and monkey’s.

Pronouns: She, her and hers

Introducing…….. Joanna Rios!!

Hey guys! My name is Joanna I’m 23 and I’m in my junior year here at city tech as an applied chemistry major. So after i finish my undergrad here i plan on going to pharmacy school… MAYBE i really have no clue to tell you the truth. One thing about me is that i am a dog mom to a 4 year handsome american pocket bully named Maximus Charming. He is the absolute light of my life. All the hard work I’m putting in right now is to give him a better life. ( I have pictures of him that i don’t mind sharing at anytime LOL!! )

Introducing Frederick Tetteh

Hi, my name is Frederick Tetteh. I got my associates last semester in electromechanical engineering and I am currently trying to get my bachelor’s in computer engineering. Math is one of my favorite subjects, and I am hoping i will still be able to say that at the end of this semester. I enjoy video games and reading. For someone who hates early classes I don’t know what I am doing in this one. For now I just hope to pass this class.

Upcoming Webwork

The following sets are due next Tuesday at 11:59pm:

  • Definite Integrals
  • FTC Part I
  • FTC Part II

Remember to use the definition of a definite integral from today’s class and not the one from the text (which uses a section of the text we haven’t covered yet).

Remember that the text and Webwork disagree about which is the first and which is the second fundamental theorem. We used the text’s ordering in today’s class.

The exercises in the FTC Part I set are straightforward applications of the (second) fundamental theorem. We’ll look at an example in class on Monday, but you should get started on this set before then.

Most of the exercises in the FTC Part II set are straightforward applications of the (first) fundamental theorem and similar to the example from today’s class. On Monday, we’ll look at a less straightforward example (like problem #10) in class, so you should make sure you’re familiar with the straightforward ones at the beginning of the set.

Introducing Mariam Mahfouz

Hi, I am Mariam Mahfouz and I am majoring in Applied Chemistry. I would want to be a future dentist. I am taking calc 2 because it is required for dental school. I became interested in my major because I like science a lot. Im currently a junior and a transfer from City College. Next year, I’ll be applying for the dental admission test that’s required to enter dental school. Besides school work, I like to go out on my free time and try different types of spicy foods.

Introducing Renee Octave

My name is Renée Octave. I am an EET major. I’m currently enrolled in the four year program. I decided to do this major because I was always interested in it. I am an active member in my church. I sing and preach. I really enjoy worshiping, In my free time I enjoy  reading and writing. And watching murder mysteries. I like the suspense of not knowing. I don’t really talk which is crazy because I preach to many people.  I can’t wait to see how this semester goes.

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