MAT1575 Calculus II Spring 2020

Fall 2018 | Professor Kate Poirier

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Test #1 Review: OpenLab assignment

Test #1

Test #1 will be given in class on Monday, March 2 and will cover material/homework from Sessions 1-7 (in pink on the schedule). The test will take the full class period and will include 10-15 questions similar to questions from the textbook, Webwork, and the final exam review sheet.

Test #1 Review Assignment – short version

To prepare for the test, you as a class will construct a crowd-sourced review sheet. Each of you is responsible for choosing one question and posting the question and its solution on the OpenLab. Try to pick questions that you think make good test questions (not too easy); try to pick topics that haven’t been posted by your classmates. Select the category Test #1 Review from the right-side of the screen before posting your question/solution. Your post is due on the OpenLab by Friday, February 28 at 11:59pm.

Test #1 Review Assignment – detailed instructions

Choose one question from

  • the textbook homework on the course outline,
  • Webwork, or
  • the final exam review sheet

to complete and post your full solution on the OpenLab. Title your post ā€œTest #1 Reviewā€ and add the section and problem number. Add the categoryĀ Test #1 ReviewĀ before submitting your post. You may type out the solution or upload a photo of hand-written work.

Make sure nobody has submitted your problem already; try to make sure every section that will be on Test #1 is represented.

It is up to you as a class to ensure that all solutions are correct. If you have a question about someone elseā€™s post, if you would like more detail, or if you think the solution contains an error, post a comment asking the question or correcting the error.

The idea here is that youĀ as a classĀ are creating a review sheet forĀ everyoneĀ to study from for the first test. You will be given participation credit for this post.

Due date: Friday, February 28 at 11:59pm


Trigonometric substitution – example from today’s class

I wanted to return to the example we were considering in class today, before too much time passes and we forget where we were.

Recall, we were trying to evaluate the integral $\int \frac{\sqrt{x^2-9}}{x}dx$. To do so, we tried making a substitution where $x = 3 \sec(\theta)$. In order to make this substitution, we used $x = 3 \sec(\theta)$ to create a dictionary that would take us from an integral in terms of $x$ to an integral in terms of $\theta$.

We saw that if $x = 3 \sec(\theta)$, then (after a little work) $\sqrt{x^2-9} = 3 \tan(\theta)$ and $dx = 3 \sec(\theta) \tan(\theta)d \theta.$

This means that $\int \frac{\sqrt{x^2-9}}{x}dx = \int \frac{3 \tan(\theta)}{3\sec(\theta)}3\sec(\theta)\tan(\theta)d\theta.$

After simplifying, this is equal to $3\int \tan^2(\theta)d\theta$.

This is how far we got in class. The point is that this is an integral we know how to evaluate.

To continue, $3\int \tan^2(\theta)\d\theta = 3 \int(\sec^2(\theta) – 1)d\theta = 3(\tan(\theta) – \theta) + C.$

To finish, we have to go back to our dictionary to write our answer in terms of $x$ instead of $\theta$. Remember, $x = 3 \sec(\theta)$, which means that $\frac{x}{3} = \sec(\theta)$. We have a $\theta$ to replace AND a $\tan(\theta)$ to replace.

To replace the $\tan(\theta)$ we don’t have to get $\theta$ by itself. We use $\frac{x}{3} = \sec(\theta)$ to label the sides of a right triangle. Draw a right triangle and label one of the acute angles by $\theta$. Since $\sec(\theta)$ is defined as the length of the hypotenuse over the length of the adjacent side, we can label the hypotenuse by $x$ and the side adjacent to $\theta$ by $3$. We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the side opposite to $\theta$: it’s $\sqrt{x^2-3}$. Then the $\tan(\theta)$ term in our answer is opposite over adjacent, which is $\frac{\sqrt{x^2-3}}{3}$.

To replace $\theta$ we do have to get $\theta$ by itself. We apply $\sec^{-1}$ to both sides of the equation $\frac{x}{3} = \sec(\theta)$ to get $\sec^{-1}(\frac{x}{3}) = \theta$.

This means our final answer is:

$\int \frac{\sqrt{x^2-9}}{x}dx = 3(\tan(\theta) – \theta) + C = 3(\frac{\sqrt{x^2-3}}{3} –Ā  \sec^{-1}(\frac{x}{3})) + C

= \sqrt{x^2-3} – 3\sec^{-1}(\frac{x}{3}) + C$.


A few people asked during class, “Where does $x = 3 \sec(\theta)$ come from?” That’s a tricky question to answer, because it doesn’t really *come from* anywhere. But we see from this example, that by making this substitution, we’re able to evaluate the integral. In some sense it *comes from* the Pythagorean identity $\tan^2(\theta) = \sec^2(\theta) – 1$.

In general, to make a trigonometric substitution:

  • if you see $x^2 – a^2$ let $x=a\sec(\theta)$,
  • if you see $a^2 – x^2$ let $x=a\sin(\theta)$,
  • if you see $x^2 + a^2$ let $x=a\tan(\theta)$.

This should be enough for you to get a solid start on the Trigonometric Substitution Webwork set, which is due on March 1.

Updates & reminders

  • Integration by Parts due tomorrow
  • Trigonometric Integrals due Sunday
  • Trigonometric Substitution due March 1
Class Schedule
  • No class this Wednesday
  • No class next Monday
Quiz #2
  • Quiz #2 will be given in class at the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 19. It will cover material from Sessions 3, 4, and 5.
Trigonometric Substitution
  • After next Wednesday’s quiz, we’ll start the next topic: trigonometric substitution. You’ll want to make sure that you remember your trig identities and derivatives to prepare for this topic.
Test #1
  • Trigonometric substitution is the last topic that will appear on Test #1, which will be given in class on Monday, March 3. This might sound far away, but you’ll want to start preparing now. You won’t be told which integration technique to use, like you are in Webwork; you’ll have to decide on the best technique yourself (there may be more than one appropriate technique to choose for a given problem). Make sure to practice exercises where you are not told which technique to use. See the final exam review sheet and the end-of-chapter review exercises in the textbook.
Test #1 Review – OpenLab Assignment

Stay tuned for your next OpenLab assignment (spoiler: you’ll choose and solve one review question for Test #1 and post it to the OpenLab… details TBA).

Tutoring meme contest

I mentioned during office hours today that I work closely with the director of the Atrium Learning Center and with the math tutors who work there. One of the things I do each semester is create a flyer to encourage students to attend tutoring. For the past few semesters, I’ve used this meme combo:

These memes are getting a little old, so I was thinking of changing them up this semester. I’ve come up with a few ideas of my own, but I thought it’d be fun to ask you to come up with your own too. This assignment is optional and purely for fun but anyone who creates their own meme will earn one participation point (you can enter as many times as you want, but you’ll still get only one point for entering). If one of your memes is ultimately chosen for the official poster, you’ll be declared the winner and will earn two extra participation points. Continue reading

Webwork “Ask for Help” & Tutoring Schedule

  1. A new Webwork feature has just been enabled. When you are logged in and looking at one of your questions, you’ll see a button at the bottom labelled “Ask for Help.” Clicking on this button will take you to an OpenLab page which is a question-answer forum for that question specifically (each student has the same template for each question; the numbers may be different but the procedures for answering the questions will be almost the same). If there’s a Webwork question that’s troubling you, please submit the details on the “Ask for Help” page and/or scroll down to check if your question has been submitted previously by someone else. You’ll get participation credit for asking your own question or answering someone else’s on this page.
  2. Tutoring is available in different places around campus. The schedule for the Atrium Learning Center is available here: PERKINS MATH TUTOR SCHEDULE FOR SPRING 2020. You’ll get participation credit for attending tutoring; ask the tutor for a verification slip and give it to me.

The Webwork set “Substitution Method” is due next Sunday night. Many of the exercises are similar to the example we saw in class today. We’ll see another example or two after Thursday’s quiz, before we start the next section: Integration by Parts.

Introducing Kevin Becerril

My name is Kevin becerril. I am currently majoring in civil engineering. I chose civil engineering once I got into construction & realized it was my passion. This is my last math course that I need for my major and I am looking forward to achieving a good grade. My favorite animal are dogs.

Introducing Anik Islam


my name is Anik Islam. This is my third year in City Tech, and my major is Mechanical Engineering.Ā  I became interested in my major because I took classes in high school related to my major and I ended up liking them. The next math course I will be taking after MAT 1575 is Differential Equations. I am still unsure what I will be doing after I get my Bachelors Degree, hopefully I will figure that our before I graduate.

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