OpenLab post due Sunday, February 25

Test #1 is scheduled for Wednesday, February 28. As a class, you will create a review sheet here on the OpenLab. Each student will solve one problem and post their full solution on the OpenLab. You may take a photo of your hand-written work and place it directly in your post, or you may upload it to Dropbox or Google drive (or some other file-sharing platform) and copy-paste the link to your photo in your OpenLab post.


  • Chapters 1-7
  • Make sure all the topics are represented; don’t solve a problem that one of your classmates has already posted the solution for.

Resources: choose one problem to solve from:

Your post must include:

  1. Where you found the problem (for example, “Final exam review sheet #3(c)”)
  2. Your complete solution, showing all your work
  3. Title: Test #1 Review
  4. Category: Test #1 Review