The field trip to the Center for Book Arts was very interesting and fun! I learned a lot about printing. From how it began to how it evolved and is what it is today. I found it really interesting how back then people had to get the letters one by one to create something to print. Looking at today’s technology there’s a lot less of a struggle for an issue or to get it done in general. If there was a typo back then you would have to do a lot of work to get that one letter out and replace it. Now it’s just simply an one second task with the keyboard. The zines exhibit was also very interesting. There were a lot of pieces that stuck out to me. One of my favorites was this fake newspaper with interesting headlines. It was called Daily Cardinal. I wouldn’t believe what I’m reading if I actually saw some of those headlines in the newspaper! It also did have articles on the headlines that were on the cover. On the second part of the field trip to the Rubin Museum I found all of the works of art that I saw to be very cool. The ones that I sort of got the meaning behind were very interesting pieces. I chose to sketch the piece called Hunger. It’s a picture of a man eating a snake while at the same time the snake is eating its own body. From what I read in the description of the piece the snakes body seems to be never ending while the man is eating it. Francesco Clemente also symbolizes Eastern and Western traditions in his piece. Both parts of the field trip were very fun and I can’t wait for future trips!