Project #4: The Pitch (Final)

In today’s world everyone is always rushing to get to their destination. Taking the quickest route that they know of and never really appreciating the things around them. Especially those who live in New York as it’s almost always a busy place. So what if you had a couple minutes to spare on your way home? You’re in no rush, probably tired of walking the same old route that you take everyday, and you want to discover a new route. This route can take you through beautiful places you haven’t seen or noticed before and you’ll also discover many new places around you that you can always go back to visit! You’ll go from the noisy busy street that you’re used to into a much more calm and quiet area. If a route like this peaks your interest then you can download this app and depend on it to take you on a route through a much happier area where you can discover many new places and experience beauty and peace!

This route will take you from City Tech to the A, C, and G subway station at Hoyt and Schermerhorn street! You’ll experience the normal and quite noisy route, but you’ll go through a beautiful area there that will distract you from all of the crowds and noise around you. Eventually you’ll walk into a calm and quiet area, a nice place to walk through especially when you’re not in a rush. To start off this route, once you exit City Tech, take a right and walk down Jay Street. You’ll be walking through that crowded area of Jay Street MetroTech. Where there’s always people rushing to work, school, and who knows where else. The surroundings also seem a bit loud because right across from City Tech there’s a construction site and there’s cars all around the busy area. Cross the street when you see the Marriott building and you’ll notice a plaza area. This area isn’t usually too crowded, so you can take a nice stroll through it. It’s very beautiful around this time of year because it’s decorated for Christmas. This area is generally a nice place to sit, relax, look at the things around you, and maybe even have a snack while you’re relaxing! You can find several food places here if you want to grab something to eat before you go home. There’s places such as StarBucks, Chipotle, Five Guys and even more. If you walk into the plaza you’ll see all of those and across from Five Guys there’s a huge Christmas Tree that looks amazing! It’s not as big, or well decorated as the one in Rockefeller Center but it definitely did remind me of that as the huge tree is in the middle of this area.  Right behind the tree you’ll notice a work of art that actually changes every few months. In that area you may notice how at this time of year all of the trees around the donated piece of art have no leaves at all and it’s very interesting to see. Just stopping to appreciate the things you see here will really take your mind off of the amount of people and noise around you, it puts you in a happier place! You can sit down at the benches or tables outside of the stores in this area if you want to relax. This is a nice detour if you would like to appreciate some art work and beauty around your area and even find a place to eat. After this you can continue your journey walking to the subway station and walking down Jay Street once again.

As you’re walking down Jay Street you’ll pass by many food places. A lot you’ll recognize such as Subway or Dunkin Donuts. So there is even more food options! If you’re feeling like trying something new  or going to a place that’s not so well known, there’s tons of cafes and restaurants along the route! One happens to be on Smith Street which you’ll walk straight into as you’re walking down Jay Street, it’s called Apollo Diner. But before you get to Smith Street, you’ll see a street sign on your walk down Jay Street that says Fulton Mall. It’s an outdoor mall that’s a great area to walk through and visit if you want to make another detour! There’s tons of different stores to discover around here that you can always come back to visit! Once you’ve walked through Jay Street and have walked into Smith street the crowds are gone and it’s much nicer in an emptier area. It’s more peaceful when there’s not a lot of noise around you.

Walking down Smith Street you’ll walk past a car parking service that you can’t miss because of the huge sign and you’ll see the appearance of cars stacked up. That itself is very eye catching and interesting to see. You’ll come upon Schermerhorn Street on your left and walk down there, and as you do the main thing you’ll most likely focus on is a tall glass building! It’s not like anything in Manhattan but it sure will catch your eye. The architecture of the different buildings on this route is definitely an interesting aspect. Now if you all of a sudden realize that you’ve got to rush home for something, no worries because there’s several different entrances to the same Subway station! But this route will be taking you to the last one on Hoyt so you can see all of the stores! There are many Cafe’s and restaurants that you’ll notice along here. The buildings on Schermerhorn seem to be mostly stone but you’ll come across two tall glass buildings, one of which was right as we turn. Seeing the different buildings and how they vary in size is interesting. The stone buildings along Schermerhorn street look more classic in a way and less modern which is not bad, it’s interesting to see older styled buildings especially when you can compare it to more of modern day buildings directly across the street! You usually won’t see too much of the older buildings. This walk is now much more peaceful because it isn’t crowded at all and you can take your time to actually notice the different buildings and all of the stores just like on Jay Street. Being in a quieter area generally should help you feel more calm and maybe even happier as you’re looking at your surroundings while you walk.  Eventually after 2 blocks down Schermerhorn street you’ll find your destination which is the subway station for the A, C, and G trains. Right next to it is also a Goodwill so if you’ve got time you can even go shopping there.

This route takes you from beauty and peaceful relaxing areas to areas that you can discover new things, and new places to visit. It’s a lot within one new route!  You’ll experience a little bit of everything! You can find your happiness if you take a new route, even with the smallest change. This app can be the future for everyone, and help a lot when traveling!

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