Student Math Questions

Student Posts

Students can create posts to respond to assignments, submit work, and share ideas. Students must create an account on the OpenLab and join this course before they are able to write posts.


Students should give their posts the category “Student Work”; all posts in this category will appear under “Student Work”, with the most recent post first. Faculty can create additional categories for students to use, e.g. “Assignment 1 Posts” to help organize student work.


Students are encouraged to comment on each other’s posts to facilitate discussion and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Scroll down to see the example comment associated with this post.


  1. sbaez101

    Hello, Oitamony;

    I was wondering, if you see students one on one at the Math Room. Please, reply at your earliest convenience cause I need Mat 1190 tutoring sooner than later. Thank you!

  2. sbaez101

    Hello, Yitao Li;

    Could you please advise me if you see students for a one and one tutoring at the Math Room. Thank you.

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