Emmanuel Oitamong

Tutoring the following subjects:

  • MAT1190 Quantitative Reasoning
  • MAT1275/ 1275CO College Algebra & Trigonometry
  • MAT1375 Pre-Calculus
  • MAT1475 Calculus I
  • MAT1575 Calculus II
  • MAT2440 Discrete Structures and Algorithms

Current Schedule:
Tuesday 12:00 PM- 4:30 PM Zoom Link
Thursday 12:00 PM- 4:30 PM Zoom Link

“Allow no man to work you. Allow no man to outwork you.” – SDI SSGT Pizarro


  1. Danielle

    Hello, I’m Danielle and I am looking for MAT 2440 tutoring. I see that you are available on Wednesday. Is it okay if we have a session on that day around 4:00pm?

    • Emmanuel

      Yes, we can always meet at 4pm here online

  2. Danielle

    Hello, can I have tutoring session for Discrete Math (MAT 2440) on Monday around 4pm to 6pm? Here is my email: danielle.carringtonwhite@mail.citytech.cuny.edu

  3. shafin sikder

    Hello, can I have tutoring session for Discrete Math (MAT 2440) on Monday around 4pm to 6pm?

  4. Jayven bravo

    Is tutoring open today at 4?

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