Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Nadrea Pereira Tyndall, Le Guin Critique

What I enjoyed about “The Wife’s Story” is how the author orchestrated the plot. I enjoyed how in the beginning the wife went to being so in love and in like with him, then he turns into a werewolf. I think that was an interesting but not expected put twist. You don’t think your husband is going to turn into a werewolf at any point of your time knowing him. I really enjoyed this story. The plot twist reminds me of a thriller movie, you never know what to expect. I don’t have any suggestions for the author. I enjoyed this short story. My one question is, what made you want the husband turn into a werewolf? Why not a vampire?


  1. Zhen Deng

    I agree with Nadrea on “The plot twist reminds me of a thriller movie…” because reading the story is like watching a real movie, the amount of details that came from the wife’s POV took us right into a movie theater in our head.

  2. Christina C.

    I also enjoyed how the author started the beginning. The events happened from much further back in the characters life then expected. The character started falling in love which made the scenes ten times worse when the story started to take an eerie turn. The suspense kept me guessing about what was going to happen next.

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