Prof. Jessica Penner | OL10 | Spring 2021

Michelle Aviles, Gurba’s Critique

What I enjoyed about Myriam Gurbas work, “Pendeja, You Ain’t Steinbeck: My Bronca with Fake-Ass Social Justice Literature” is that she writes in a way that I have honestly not seen a lot. It’s not formal and it definitely does not have nice words in it. It has words that we don’t normally put in a piece of writing. She is not afraid to call people out and she is not afraid to discuss her experiences as well. From what I have read so far I would describe Gurba as a courageous person due to her ability to not take shit from other people. She is also a very straightforward and honest person. It definity takes guts to criticize other writers’ work and to call them out on their bullshit. In her writing, she critiques Jeanine Cummins’ book. She not only states that her book sucks but she also goes on to explain why she thinks so and all the things that happened after she criticized Cummins’ book. She also then goes on to talk about a memoir that she also wrote and talks about how she was raped. Overall, I definitely liked how she talked about these things and how she was not afraid to, well i guess you can say, educate other people.


  1. Rakib Hassan

    I agree with the fact that Gurba is very strong and courageous after all the risks and terrible things she’s been through.

  2. Ariel Itshaik

    Gurba’s writing makes her seem confident and strong hearted, as we see throughout her entire piece of work. I believe because of the way she writes so passionately about everything, she is able to use this type of language and pull the audience in deeper.

  3. Zhen Deng

    I agree with Michelle because I also like the way that Gurba is dare to stand up to people that she has a different opinion with.

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