Like 6 months ago while I was deep cleaning I found a ring in one of my drawers, I didn’t recognize it at first but then I knew where it came from, it was  a ring I stole from my friend! ( Or at least that’s how I like to say it happened) it was a ring that my friend used to use in High School, I remember liking it because of how it reflected with light and the accent it has in the middle. I thought it was great and after asking for him to give it to me, he gave it away!. He first asked me why I wanted a ring, and I told him “I just like the structure”, but I honestly just wanted to try out a ring since I’ve never had one before haha!.  I was so happy afterwards and I wore it for a couple of months and then I decided to not wear it anymore since it did not fit me right back then.

When I found it in my drawer, it took me by surprise because I didn’t remember where I left it years ago. I grabbed the ring and  I remembered him and the memories we had together and I decided to wear it again in his memory, since we haven’t talked in a while I think wearing it now is like an honor to  my old  friend. I’m sure it has no monetary value but it does bring me some peace of mind. It also became one of my beacons of tranquility. I tend to stress a lot or get anxious in public environments but feeling the ring with my thumb and putting some pressure on it releases some of that internal pressure.  Since then I’ve been wanting to buy more rings with similar structure and feeling