Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Clifton McDowell Jr, Favorite Poem

I like this poem because it talks about why the author got into writing poetry and how it became his escape at a young age. The author is a friend of mine that likes to write.

A Kid

when did it all start 
that words unspoken could lead me to a change of heart 
... somewhat soothing and a place of rest for my mental capacity 
I was only 8 years old when the thought of life being over crossed my mind Too late to take my time and figure out why 
why everyone seemed to pick me out of everyone 
waves of insults crashed into my ear drums 
beating at my heart as if they thought their words were sandpaper that would soon smooth ove 

. . .it.did.not... 

but instead my wounds dripped ink and dried into past scars 
Spoken word...poetry 
it kept me from myself 
brought me away from the cruelty of the world while helping me shape my own 
Words that went unspoken from my lips found its way out 
Building a courage inside of me 
a light 
something i felt could and should have been taken out 
I have things to say even when no soul listens 
writing did that for me 
I was only a kid when it all started


  1. Joselin

    This poem is really good, many people find some way to comfort themselves when something happens. The poet’s style in word choice made the poem sentimental.

  2. Alexsis

    I enjoyed reading this poem because it’s very relatable. Almost everyone can describe something they’v started doing whenever they felt alone. When the author talks about all the bad things that would happen to him the tone sounds very dark but when he talks about writing poetry the tone seems to get more calm.

  3. Fnu Janvi

    The tone of the poem is really strong and deep meaning. also, it sad. Especially the poem is easy to understand.

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