“Serafina, why did you leave without telling me,” Alexander said.

“because I was numb of everything, can’t you see that I’m losing myself to please you and others. I’m done. Satisfying everyone I want to love me is a crime to love myself and feel good about myself,” Serafina said.

It’s been six years since I left for New York and moved to Italy. I guess my breaking point was when nobody cares about me as I do for them. My parents are the closest to me, yet they are far away from me. When I realize that Privacy and silence are more important than anything, I appreciate living alone.

Alexander is my friend and neighbor, I guess; he never said anything, yet when I told everyone I’m leaving, he came to my house furious about me leaving. Since I cut my Connection with everyone I know except my parents, they respected my privacy, and even my friends understood my perspectives.
I think there are moments in life I don’t need action but a voice to move in our life, and for me, my voice was my movement. For six years, I lived, laughed, and enjoyed living and finding things without Satisfying other people, just me. Now it’s time it’s facing what I left and avoided for many years, which is going to New York.
Serafina’s Family traveled to New York first time, but now she felt like a guest. Serafina grew up in a household where her mother gives up her job to care for Serafina and Charles. Sandra stayed home mother, and she loved being with her kids even though they both grew and wanted to be independent. Serafina’s father, James, owned a business company. James was always busy with work and missing everything his children to it. But what broke James is when his daughter left and couldn’t say goodbye to Serafina, and he understood her going and finding herself.

Serafina:” I can’t believe I will be arriving in new york in few hours. The last time I was here, I was lost and angry. I think friends and Family hurt, and others weren’t. I wish I could speak with Alexander, and hopefully, he will understand.” After Serafina arrives in New York, she went to her parent’s house in downtown Brooklyn.
Sandra was beyond excited and finally see her daughter after six long years.
“Oh sweetheart, welcome home. I missed you so much” Sandra hugged and cried on her daughter Serafina.” me to mom,” Serafina said.