Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Christopher Toxqui, Critique on Leguin

I really enjoyed the suspense of the story, it started off normal, and then as the story continued to develop we got more and more details which I really enjoyed. In the beginning, Leguin just started off by explaining how she met him. She stated, ” When I first met him he was still living with his mother, over near Spring Lake, and I used to see them together, the mother and the sons, and think that any young fellow that was that nice with his family must be one worth knowing.” But then she started to tell us about events that happened. For example, when her husband would say that he would go hunting and come back late, tired and strange. This made the story feel more suspenseful because Leguin would let us know the events but she wouldn’t completely tell us what was happening. This led to an unexpected turn at the end, but I really enjoyed it.


  1. Fnu Janvi

    I agree that the story started off normal, and then as the story continued to develop we got more and more details and then the suspense. This story has suspense, thriller, which make the story more interesting to read.

  2. Jason Jordan

    I agree I enjoyed the suspense of the story on how we think they are human and then all of sudden they are wolves and one turns Into a human.

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