Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Moustapha Ndiaye, Critique on Jones

I enjoyed Jones descriptive way one “The First day” because it allows the audience to visualize and infer the setting that is taking place. Jones says “checkered like blue-and-green cotton dress, and scattered about these colors are bits of yellow, white and brown” this shows that the character is wearing bright colors and the audience can infer that this is taking place in the spring or summer. I also enjoy how the author describes how her mother wanted her to have an education by describing events that took place. Jones said her mother used to go from school to school so she can be accepted to at least once shows that she has high hopes for her. I can connect to this because my parents want me to have an education to build a bright future.


  1. Ralph Ayala

    I do agree how the author even gives the readers details about how the characters look like. It gives you an idea of how they dress and how it describes their personality.

  2. Fnu Janvi

    I agree with you when you said I feel connected to his study because I also feel the same being a daughter. I can understand the author’s story more profoundly and her emotions toward her mother.

  3. Jason Jordan

    I agree with you that I can connect to the story of the mother wanting her daughter to get a education because my parents always push me to get a good education.

  4. Joselin

    I agree with your statement about the mom looking for a school that was suitable for the daughter. It does make a connection with me as well since my parents do want the best education for me.

  5. BensonH

    Like everyone that i have read so far we all seem to agree that the author was very descriptive. Help visualize the story.

  6. Christopher

    I also agree that the author was very descriptive and it allowed the audience to visualize and infer

  7. Janeth Vinanzaca

    I agree that the author enjoys for the audience to form their opinions through her use of imagery.

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