“Meet my graduation dress”, my mother bought it for me and surprised me also with that beautiful dress. why that dress is so important for me because she bought it for my graduation party which was in 2018. when I first saw it I was not really impressed and not happy with the dress because of its color. The color of the dress was baby pink, and there are small shiny sparkly stars on it. Also, I am not a big fan of pink color being a girl. Although when I first won it really suited me. Besides, I was really happy with the dress on my graduation day.

why I wasn’t happy when I first saw the dress because I thought of being a chubby girl, after wearing that dress, I will look fatty than normal I look and I never won any pink dress before. Also, I thought my brothers will not allow me to wear that kind of dress because my legs were showing in that dress. But still, it was lower than my knee. So, my brothers were okay with that. Also, my best friends liked my dress a lot. Being a younger girl in my family is always a hard task for me because everyone is always worried about me and being an overprotective family but in the end, their overprotectiveness behaviors are somewhere right I believe.