Around two years back the thought of getting a custom image phone case was always an iffy thought to me, It wasn’t until talking it over with my friend after constant yelling of “just doo it!” that I finally decided to get one. It was a big struggle at first deciding what image to actually use. I ended up rounding it to around five images and forcing my friend to pick.

It’s always a joy picking the image since I decided to limit myself to about 2 per year. God forbid I went overboard and got more that I could actually use. I want these to feel special and not a week long accessory. The real joy of picking out the image is simply trying to fit the thing on the case to begin with. These four cases weren’t the first picks by any means. After playing around with the websites I use (Skinit and Caseapp,) I found out the hard way what a struggle it can be to fit an image on my puny galaxy s7 edge.

Honestly the real highlight of these cases is the nice sensation I get every time I look at them. It’s like popping a peppermint in your mouth before a test, soothing. Each of these has a small touch added via my friend whether it be help with the resizing or a simple design suggestion. The heart in the top right of the fourth case was his idea, He told me top plop it there remarking how it totally looks like it belongs to the image itself telling me to keep it there. He’s a great help which is why I end up brining him into a call to screen share there whole process getting his input the whole way through.