Tuesday, March 16, 2021


  • If you haven’t done this already, read “The First Day” and post a critique by 10 AM on March 16!
  • Read my post on Week 7’s Announcement page by 10 AM on March 16.
  • Discuss your classmates’ critiques of Jones’ work, focusing on our discussion about short fiction and POV.
  • Spend time brainstorming about your first short story. What is the real incident you’re considering using? Who’s involved? Create a list of characters and think about the elements of characterization. What kind of third person will you use? Intimate or journalistic? Why?


  • Homework: Begin to write short story based on a real event. Fictionalize it as much as you want. You can set it in any time period or setting. The only rule is to use third person (either the intimate third person or the journalistic third person), but NOT first person. The first draft is due by March 25!
  • Comment on at least four of your classmates’ critiques of Jones’ work. With what do you agree or disagree? Be specific! (“I agree with X’s thoughts on X” is not specific. “I agree with X because of X” is specific.) Due by class time (10 AM) on March 18.
  • Journal Assignment 4 is due today! Choose ONE of three prompts listed on the Week 6 Assignment post; title it Full Name, Journal #4 under Journals by 11:59 on March 16.
  • Read Ursula K. Le Guin’s â€œThe Wife’s Story” by class time (10 AM) on March 18.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


  • Discuss Ursula K. Le Guin’s â€œThe Wife’s Story.” Compare/contrast it to “The First Day.”
  • Discuss POV using Journal #4.


  • Homework: A paragraph critique of Le Guin’s work. What did you enjoy? What questions/suggestions do you have for the author? Title it Full Name, Le Guin Critique. Post it under Discussions. Due by 11:59 PM on March 18.
  • Continue writing a short story based on a real event. (Due March 25!)