Based on Journal 4
(Time: 4:20pm)
(Mr. DeAndre, Ms. Cabby, Ms. Mary, Mr. Marvin, Ms. Lizzy all work in an after school program in an elementary school. During this dialogue they are in dismissal protocol.)
Ms. Mary: Please prepare your kids for dismissal
Mr. DeAndre: Copy
Mr. Marvin: Copy
Ms. Lizzy: Copy
Ms. Cabby: Copy
Mr. DeAndre: Please remind your kids parents they have to enter through the front
Mr. DeAndre: Pick up for Jason, Justin, and Dayana
Ms. Mary: Copy on Jason
Ms. Cabby: Copy on Justin
Mr. Marvin: Copy on Dayana
Ms. Lizzy: Pick up for Tyler
Mr. DeAndre: Copy on Tyler
Mr. DeAndre: Pick up for Kepler
Ms. Lizzy: Copy on Kepler
Mr. DeAndre: SitRep Grade K – 5
Mr. Marvin: Cleared
Ms. Lizzy: Cleared
Ms. Mary: Cleared
Ms. Cabby: Cleared
Mr. DeAndre: All cleared begin closing protocol
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