Debbie: Cafe Bench tonight?

(Debbie looks around to see if anyone agrees)

Alexsis: I can go after 5

Sabrina: I’m down

(Sabrina looks at Sofia)

Sofia: Yea let’s go


(The four girls meet at the cafe)

Alexsis: It’s so cold out here I wish we could sit inside

Sabrina: I think indoor dining is going to be allowed starting next week

(Alexsis, Sofia and Debbie all raise their eyebrows while looking at Sabrina)

Sofia: Really? Oh my god I’m so excited for restaurants to go back to normal

Debbie: Me too because it’s starting to get colder and I’m tired of freezing

(All the girls look down at their laptops as they try to do their homework)

Sabrina: Ugh, I have to watch a film for Italian cinema class and I don’t understand

Alexsis: It’s so crazy how you’re classes are so different from ours

Debbie: Yea, you get to watch movies while I’m taking accounting

(Sabrina laughs while looking at Debbie)

Sabrina: It’s actually not as easy as it sounds I swear

Sofia: I would rather take that class than the one I’m doing right now, I’m literally going to fail

(Alexsis turns her head towards Sofia)

Alexsis: You’re not going to fail don’t say that, you need to ask for help like I told you

Sofia: I’m so lazy for that though

(Alexsis rolls her eyes and Sabrina and Debbie laugh at Sofia)

Alexsis: How do you expect to pass if you don’t tell your professor you don’t get it and won’t ask for help

Sofia: I know I know, I don’t want a lecture mom

(All the girls laugh and get back to their homework.