Title: Pain is Human

Pain is being human.

Pain brings us tears, 

but pain gives us a lesson.

The damage and hurt will remain,

the emotions will always be there, 

Pain gives us a lesson.

Lessons give us knowledge. 

Knowledge is your power.

Pain does not make you stronger.

To feel pain does not make you weak,

We as people can be vulnerable to pain.

A lesson awaits the future, 

you must learn from that lesson.

Title: Joy

The Joy of laughter,

the joy from friends.

Happiness comes in all kinds of forms.

A day of happiness is a day of peace for the heart,

peace brings no worry of problems for a person.

Peace brings the light and smile of your heart.

The joy of peace from violence is a dream.

A dream many in the world can wish for.

A world of joy and no violence,

may lead to happiness.

The joy of peace from violence is a dream.

Nothing but a dream.

Title: Fears of a heart

Fear of losing someone,

fear of failure, 

and the fear of others.

Many living things can fear anything,

fear can control our actions,

fear may even lead to pain.

People, animals, 

And maybe fantasy creatures contain fear.

It is inevitable. 

No escape from fear,

no running from fear.

When the shadows of negativity arise,

the hearts hurt,

and strive for release.

Without fear,

evolution is embraced.

No fear,

no change of others,

fear is as essential as a heart.

Title: Art of song

Singing is an art of peace of the mind,

When one sings people express emotions,

Emotions are then expressed in many ways,

anger,sadness, joy and love.

Sining can be a talent or a source of joy.

The medley of music can even express a story.

Stories that could relate to the heart of a person.

Singing is an art of peace of the mind.

Singing can could even change the lives of others,

to turn a day of sorrow into a day of joy and peace.

Singing is an art of peace of the mind.

Singing is an art.