
Boom. Boom. Boom. 

Do you feel that?

I do.

It’s my heart beating when i’m around you.

This might seem creepy,

or even a little weird, 

but i can’t help but stop and stare 

when i see you.

Your short curly hair,

and your big brown eyes,

it gives me a reason to feel alive. 

Your funny jokes,

and your warm smile,

it makes me feel safe for a while. 

But then reality hits 

and I realize 

that you and me 

will never work together.

The Reasons we Write

I don’t understand

why everyone else gets good opportunites in life,

how does everyone else have the motivation to do things?

There’s people like me;

the outcast

the lonely people of today’s society 

the people who sit at the back of class,

the ones who have a few friends in school,

the ones who write poems like this. 

We write because we have no one to vent to.

We have no one to comfort us when we’re down.

So we write.

We write so the silence doesn’t consume us at 4am when we try to sleep.

We write to get our feelings out somehow.

So we don’t explode in front of all those people 

So we can maintain that fake smile 

So no one expects a thing

(Yes, I’m fine I wrote this poem a long time ago and decided to improve it)


I did it.

I finally made it.

To those people who said I’d never make it here,

you were wrong.

Look at me now,

I’m like a bird soaring through the sky.

All those years of working,

building myself up,

and bettering myself has paid off.

I’ve finally come face to face with my dream.

You just have to believe in yourself or,

you’ll never be the person you thought

you could be.


I’m still here.

waiting for you. 

At one point you never felt me feeling so cold and alone. 

I bet you didn’t even know that i still needed you

but i do.

It’s pretty hard to forget what you were like when everything reminds me of you.

The taste of my favorite food,

the breeze flying through my hair,

the chorus of every song,

and every family photo,

reminds me of you.

and all i can do is

listen to sad songs and hope

That someday you’ll come back.

It’s okay though,

I’ve had sadder days.

but when you decide to come back,

Let me know, please.

I can’t do this without you.

(Another poem I wrote a while ago and decided to improve upon)