1. Winter day

The season in which the cold wrap around us, embraces us, where the snow nibble at your nose, winter always been an outlet to rejuvenate one self I love the winter coldness lets me know its time to work , to do better, it embraces me with a sort of encouragement to let me know winter is here

Reflection #2

Clothes can tell a lot about a person, but yet hide how they feel, it can be a statement, or just a simple outfit, but the beauty is no one can say for sure what it means its the reflection of one image showing everyone who you are and how you feel

Vague #3

One’s mind is so deep, like an ocean one can get lost, if you spend enough time in there you often find what you need, never your desire, but you will have something much greater the power to control what you see

The winds of change #4

no one can see it, prepare for it, it comes as it’s pleases, breaking down everything that is not worthy to stay, reusing it to make something whole, beautiful, full of purpose, it’s all around us we just have to be grateful for which it bring us, we all change whether we like it or not jobs, friends, and even how we view the world but its for our benefit that we change so we can become a better person