Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Fnu Janvi, Favorite Poem


I really enjoyed all of Robert Frost’s poems, but “The Road not taken” poem was the first one when I red it in high school and still don’t get over it. I like this poem a lot because it is the truth in everyone’s life. If we make any wrong discussion in our lives, we can go back in the past and change it, it is up to us how we make the right choices for our lives. So, we always have to think deeply while making a discussion in our life.


  1. Moose

    This is a poem where the reader can relate to, whether it is falling in the right direction of life or feeling regret of the past.

  2. Sheely Menendez

    I really like this poem, if I had to give it a tone would be adventurous, but also I have the feeling he the narrator is also feeling some kind of resent for not being able to travel the way he wanted that is what I understand

  3. Jordan Bailey

    This is also my favorite poem to this day.

    Style: Brief, Meaningful, Descriptive, inspirational

    Voice: analytic, decisive

  4. Nelson Tavarez

    Style and descriptive.
    the voice was as if the poet was questioning everything he was thinking.

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