I zip toe to my window and open it quietly to avoid any loud noises. My parents are asleep they won’t notice I’m gone until a few hours. My friends are waiting for me to arrive at Peach street. A black car is waiting for me around the block, my friends signal me to head over there.

“You made it without getting caught!” Aaliyah said. She’s one of my best friends.

“Of course it’s easy”.

“Well hurry before your neighbors snitch on you” Kye states. He’s also one of my best friends who works at the local zoo. 

I hop in the car and we blast music. The night was young and we’re looking for something exciting to do. What better thing to do than sneak into the zoo, right? As Kye and Aaliyah are talking to each other I open the moonroof and stand there feeling the breeze as they drive. The stars were bright as ever and there was a full moon tonight. It took us twenty minutes to arrive at the zoo. We quiet down the music before someone hears us driving by. 

“Let’s park here,” Aalyiah says. We exit the car and walk towards the tall gates. As we climb the gates we see how large the zoo was from afar. The first stop we made was Amazon road. The lions are in their den sleeping with their cubs. We hear chirping nearby, it was a green parakeet. I tell my friends let’s follow the bird. As the bird fly’s we realize we’re far from the car but that didn’t matter at the moment. There was a small tunnel that can only fit one person at a time. We crawl our way into it, there was a dim blue light on the other side of the tunnel. The bird is on the other side waiting for us. I went in first the tunnel was narrower than expected but I managed to go through. When I stepped out of the tunnel the view was amazing. 

There were fireflies of all different colors. Yellow, green and red ones. I walk more and there was a pond with lotus flowers on the surface. I stare at my reflection on the pond and notice orange koi fish swimming around. A small waterfall was attached to the pond. There was a large cherry blossom tree in the middle of the area. The parakeet was on a branch of the cherry blossom chirping like he was trying to communicate with us. 

“He’s chirping pretty loud,” Aaliyah said. 

“You’re right” he is.

I was admiring the secret place for a while until we heard sirens in the distance. 

“Let’s go now,” Kye said.

We crawled as fast as we could through the tunnel and ran through the streets of the zoo. Some animals were awakened by the loud footsteps we took. The lions roared in the distance, as the adrenaline rushed throughout our bodies, we jumped quickly through the tall gates of the zoo and made our way to the car. We laughed and drove away to look for another adventure. 

This was one of the best nights.