Rya and the rest of her senior class were all at the beach for senior ditch day. The administrators of her high school had her about all the seniors planning to skip school one day and warned the students there would be consequences for missing school. It was already June and graduation was only one week away so the students decided to take the risk anyway because they didn’t think it was possible for the school to punish every single senior days before they would be given their diplomas. What was supposed to be a fun day quickly turned into a traumatizing day. 

The students were irresponsible with the alcohol they had brought and one of Rya’s classmates had been pulled farther and farther into the water by a current. Faith Samuels was too drunk to be in the water and was now so deep into the ocean she began to panic. Faith Samuels was Rya’s enemy since the 3rd grade. They had always had issues because they both wanted to be at the top of the class so they were always competing with one another, trying to prove who was smarter. 

The lifeguard couldn’t reach her in time and she drowned. All the seniors were shaken up and couldn’t believe they had just witnessed a classmate die because of their careless actions. It was as if the weather had known what had just happened because it quickly became cloudy and gloomy. Everyone at the beach was silent and the only sounds that were heard were the police sirens and a medical team.