A moment in the past that has changed me would probably be when quarantine started. Before quarantine started my day-to-day life consisted of going to school, then going back home, then doing my work, and then going outside. But once quarantine started none of that was possible. School was all online, so instead of waking up earlier to get ready for school, I could wake up 5 minutes before class and just log in to my laptop. Going outside wasn’t really an option. There would be no one outside, everyone just stayed inside and tried to obey the laws. It would be so crazy that sometimes I would lose track of the days because all I was able to do was stay inside. Even though quarantine was boring it made me in a way more responsible. For example, school didn’t feel like an obligation anymore, it was more like if I woke up in time, I would join the class, but if I didn’t wake up in time, I would just miss class. So quarantine made me act more responsible. Also, quarantine helped me discover some new hobbies that I never knew I was good at. Quarantine also opened a lot of time for me to hang out with my family. And it was nice to experience different things with my family while in quarantine, it helped me get even more closely with my family.