Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Benson Huang, POV Story for Picture A

The year is 2025 and compared to 5 years ago, technology has advanced greatly. Even with great technological advances cities were unable to manage the great power and all fell leaving small towns to live on their own. With less light from cities, stars unable to be seen with the naked eyes for hundreds of years are now visible. Potato and her robodog Toe are currently stuck on the mountain side as one of the hover cubes broke down. Potato is a genius engineer and teacher she will be able to fix the cube in less than an hour. She turns on the holocam to show her students and starts the repairs. If it was anyone else they would have had to go back to a more primitive method. Tires. While Potato fixes the cube Toe sites nearby keeping watch with his trusty hammer ready to defend his owner from any possible threats. At a glance Toe doesn’t seem to have eyes but Toe does not see with eyes he is installed with radar and hypersensitive microphones that allow him to detect anything in the surrounding 100 meter area. Feeling safe Potato quickly finishes up and cleans up and rushes to the school. She doesn’t want to be late it is her first day as a teacher after all.


  1. Nelson Tavarez

    I enjoyed the direction you went with. I don’t know the photo, but I have a feeling that you created something of your own. It makes me want to see the photo and want to try to figure out what made you write this story.

  2. Jason Jordan

    I enjoyed how you turned it into a sci-fi story. I don’t know the picture but you describe an amazing world with interesting characters

  3. Sheely Menendez

    I really enjoyed this short story honestly I like the details you provide and the last part the story takes a little turn, the short story sound really unique and you definitely made it your own.

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