Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Jason Jordan, Le Guin Critique

In the passage I really enjoyed the unexpected turn the author took. Whoever thought about a wolf turning Into a human Into the night. When I read It I thought they were human turning Into some crazy creature. But you find out It Is actually a wolf describing her husband not a woman. I really like how at first It leads you on as If It were a person and then later you discover Its a wolf and her family. I just want to know how this Idea came to the author and Is this story somewhat Influenced by a true story like someone who Is a completely different person?


  1. Will

    I agree with you on the human turned creature bit. I wasn’t expecting it to turn out that way, and it’s interesting how it played out to be one of those lycanthropy readings. It’s not the most common folk tale in the books, but it’s certainly one of the most interesting!

  2. Fnu Janvi

    I agree that at the begging of the story we thought the story is about the human wife and human husband who is having some issues in their relationship but at that end, I didn’t expect that the ending will come out this way. but I really liked this type of story.

  3. Fnu Janvi

    I agree that at the begging of the story we thought the story is about the human wife and human husband who is having some issues in their relationship but at that end, I didn’t expect that the ending will come out this way. but I really liked this type of story.

  4. Ralph Ayala

    I agree with you regarding the unexpected twist in the book. It is stories like this that adds a new level of difficulty for the characters. I am curious as to why the author decided to use a wolf in this context.

  5. Amani

    I agree, I think it was a great plot twist to have because many of us would’ve never thought about it. Your question is really good too, I wonder if the creatures symbolized someone in the author’s life or had a hidden deeper meaning to the author.

  6. Moose

    I agree on how descriptive the story was and it shows perspective. I enjoyed the big plot twist when the “husband” was actually a wolf. It had me surprised and in suspense. The author did a great job development the plot.

  7. Christopher

    I agree with you I also enjoyed how at the beginning everything seemed normal but then later on you discover that it was a wolf, the story really took an unexpected turn but the author did a great job.

  8. Alexsis

    I also never thought the characters wolves. I thought they were human so when the wife started describing the husbands transformation I was very confused. I like your question about how the author came up with this story line because it’s definitely different from other things I’ve read. I also wonder why the husband ended up turning into a human. Was he always that way or did something happen that triggered it?

  9. JoharM

    I can share your interest on the idea behind the story. I also want to know how the author came up with this and the driving force behind flipping the traditional werewolf story. Although a simple change if was still impactful none the less.

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