Tuesday, March 23, 2021


  • Read my Announcement and be ready to participate in writing activity by class time!


  • Homework: Finish writing a short story based on a real event, but NOT in first person. Post your short story under Short Stories and title it Full Name, Short Story 1 by class time on Thursday.
  • Comment on at least four of your classmatesā€™ critiques of Le Guinā€™s work. With what do you agree or disagree? Be specific! (ā€œI agree with Xā€™s thoughts on Xā€ is not specific. ā€œI agree with X because of Xā€ is specific.)

Thursday, March 25, 2021


  •  Bring your short story and review your Cohortā€™s work (some of your Cohort’s may have new members–I’ll let you know on Thursday).


  • Homework: Journal Assignment 5:Ā Write about a moment from your past that changed you. It can be a large or small changeā€”but focus on what, exactly,Ā happenedĀ andĀ howĀ you changed. Due April 6, 2021.
  • Complete your Cohort’s Peer Review worksheet by 11:59 PM on March 26, 2021. If you missed the workshop day, you must contact your Cohort and send them the URL of your story by 5 PM on Thursday, March 25, 2021. The Peer Review worksheet is on the Course Profile. I’ve also emailed a copy to everyone.
  • Using your Cohort’s feedback, revise your short story. The final draft must be titled Full Name, Short Story 1 (Revised) under Short Stories by 11:59 PM on April 8, 2021.
  • Read Chapter OneĀ from Ta-Nehisi Coatesā€™Ā The Water Dancer by April 6, 2021.


SPRING BREAK! No class on Tuesday, March 30 or Thursday, April 1, 2021, but be sure to complete your homework for this class!