Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Johar Martinez, Le Guin Critique

I liked the gradual release of information. Even partway in we can infer that everything isn’t what it seems. From rumors about the husbands family about and it being blamed on the moon I can say I thought of it being a werewolf story even before the husbands transformation. For it to be turned upside down with the reveal of the husband standing on his two feet was quite the revelation that I either got jebaited or it was the reverse. One question that I would like to ask is if there were rumors surrounding the husband’s family long after the marriage, how long was this going on? Surely there were signs even after their child was born.

1 Comment

  1. Will

    I agree with you about the gradual release of information. The story was slowly unfolding itself with more information that sparked the readers curiosity. The examples you had mentioned about the rumors of the husband, and that leading to the transformation are good examples of that.

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