My family is my discord server. Discord is a program on your computer that is mainly used by gamers. I am a part of a server made for my gaming friends and in real life friends. Some core members are (fake names) Gary, Oscar, JP, Roman and Angel. Gary is the youngest in the server. He’s what we call extra in the server. Someone who does more than is necessary. He would randomly do weird sounds when we are playing or just talking. He hates people to ask for him. Oscar is one of the newer core members of the group. I meet him in my first semester of college. He sounds like he’s panicking when he’s talking or trying to finish he’s sentence in record time, but he’s confident in himself at all times. He’s as competitive as it gets when it comes to something he loves. Likewise, he can’t take being worse than someone in a game he plays. Not only that, but he tries his best to reach new heights every day. Roman is the living embodiment of an extrovert. He’s loud and always has something to talk about. He wants to hang out whenever possible and shows his true feelings in anything. JP is one of the founders of the group. We meet in freshman year of high school and have still talked nearly every day. You can hear JP raging at a game that he barely knows how to play or just outright confused. If he doesn’t like something he will quit and not look back. He’s brutally honest with almost everything. Angel is at first intimidating. He’s also charismatic. Once you get to know him you realize he’s nice to people around him. He won’t lie and hates people who do. I would describe them better or more, but I find it hard to describe them in detail. I can only come up with things that I recently remember.