Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Nuha Abdulla, critiques of Gurba’s

I enjoy reading Gurba’s work; it made me feel more vital as a reader to speak with everything when I or my culture are being judged. I like the way Gurba was Aggressive and loud; it shows her character. I liked that she stood up when Cummins was writing about Mexicans and Latinos and saying she’s Latin when trying to make up stories but hurting people’s culture. Gurba spoke about Cummins saying she’s White, but she misrepresented Mexicans and Latino’s culture and life when it comes to writing. I like the way Gurba’s was very confident when speaking about how dramatic Cummins stories about Mexicans and Latinos life and Gurba’s also didn’t like the way people and Cummins refer to Mexicans and Latinos as “ these people “ that’s what I like Gurba’s standing up and speaking because she well educated and so many other Mexicans and Latinos. Questions for Gurba’s would she meet Jeanine Cummins and say to her about things she didn’t like her writing about and misrepresenting? How is your family relationship? Also, would you talk to that roommate who wore your cloth and ask why? Gurba wants to give the reader a message to be confident, and for me, I felt she staying be loud and make people leave a good impression and sound confident. Even though I was kind of shocking the way she writes, I like and enjoy reading it.


  1. Janeth Vinanzaca

    I’m curious too if Gruba would have the same tone in voice to speak to Cummins in person.

  2. Will

    I agree with you on her aggressiveness and loudness showed her character throughout the reading. She made it clear when she was standing up for Mexico and hispanics in general. She’s built like a wall, and I have a feeling she won’t succumb to criticism.

  3. Ralph Ayala

    I do agree about how she shows courage to talk about the problems she faced. It can be inspiring to those around you not to mention the fact how she is able to discuss about a serious topic like culture can take a lot of courage.

  4. BensonH

    I agree when you said Gurba’s was confident when speaking about Cummins dramatic stories. Very straightforward

  5. Joselin

    I agree with you when you mentioned how Gurba has an aggressive tone as she expresses herself in defending her culture. She stood up for herself and how Mexicans are misrepresented in her writing piece.

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