During my time working at a summer camp, my main goal was to ensure that participants who applied had an engaging and safe summer. A part of the summer activities included the end of the program celebration where participants from different club activities perform at the show. That was when I was appointed as the Show Secretary. My job was the most important because I was the person who decided the order of events that occurred, how long the performance lasts, and which music was allowed to be played. As you can possibly infer, that position required you to carry a lot of stress because you had to hold the show in a way that pleased everyone’s recommendations and followed the structure of the entire process. What everyone at the time wasn’t aware of was that not only was I the Show Secretary, I was also the Show Hosting Director which means I was allowed to make decisions as the Show Secretary and have it approved compared to submitted for approval. I did not want to let everyone know of my second position because that would have added more confusion and more stress on my part. So, I took everyone’s recommendation on how they felt the show was to be performed, compiled a list, flittered it out so that it would match the Performance Structure, and approved it when it was ready to be executed. When the day of the show happened, the entire process went smoothly and there were no forms of miscommunication which was something that was feared among all the show performers. To this day, I felt that if I were to tell everyone my second position at the time, the performance wouldn’t have gone as smoothly as it did. I guess we can say I was, Anonymous!