I would say I was around 5 or 6 years old when I first received my necklace. I was still young so I didn’t pay much attention to it. I recall my mom giving it to me and just telling me to always wear it and to never take it off. My first impressions of the necklace were that it was just very shiny and appealing. As a 6-year-old, I just saw the necklace as a cool accessory to have and be able to wear.

As I said the necklace was shiny it was also light and it had a cross in the middle. The necklace didn’t really have a specific smell or feel. When I first received the necklace I didn’t know that it would be significant to me. I would say that as I grew up I started to acknowledge the importance of the necklace more. At first, I didn’t believe that the necklace would be a significant part of my life. But as I grew up I started to realize that the necklace was starting to gain meaning. The necklace gained meaning as time passed because when I first got the necklace it didn’t have any importance to me but now I value it because of the person who gave it to me and also because of memories that I have with the necklace.

If I had the chance to give my necklace to someone it would probably be someone close to me. Just because of the importance the necklace has to me. I would probably give it to another family member and I would just let them know to take care of the necklace and that if they ever decide to pass it to someone to make sure that it is someone they care about.