Prof. Jessica Penner | OL02 | Spring 2021

Meet My IPad Pro

I use my IPad for practically anything I do in life, it’s like an extension of myself. I bought it last year with some money I had been saving up. When I had enough money, I began looking for places to buy it, but little to my surprise it was practically sold out at every Apple Store. Finally, I did find a place to ship it to me, and I definitely paid for fast shipping because I needed it so bad. I know I’m not the only one who gets so obsessed about getting something so they go on Youtube and start watching unboxing videos of said thing; yes, that was me.

I use it to take notes for school, to do homework, to browse the internet, watch Netflix. It’s basically the thing that stops me from dying of boredom, especially during quarantine.

Another neat thing I love about my IPad is when I pair it with my Apple Pencil. I use it mainly to take notes for school, but I also use it to sign documents, to draw things or doodle.


  1. Kevin Navarrete

    Thats dope, I’ve been wanting to get one for a while now but I always talk myself out of it because I don’t want to spend all that money on the iPad and the accessories. Do you still use your computer or is your iPad Pro basically your computer now?

  2. Sheely Menendez

    Same! I also have an iPad Pro, and I really like it, is really efficient for school work, and I also went to similar experience, it was sold out everywhere so I took me a while to find it, but one day I went to the apple store and got it including the apple pen, I personally like to read my documents in there when I have to annotate but I still my computer for double screen. why any chance you took advantage of the student discount on apple if not you should next Time.
    if this iPad has more value to you since you save for it? does the makes you appreciate it more?

  3. Ralph Ayala

    How did you earn the money to purchase the IPad?

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